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Great teachers, great resources and the friendliest vibe. On top of that, I’ve rediscovered my love of art and have been able to produce works I’m really proud of. Jess and her team are amazing and I love them!


I loved art in High School but then my life happened... career, family etc. 25 years later I am now just getting back to my love of creative things & I'm finding time to find myself again.


Our daughter has finally found an interest that she is so excited about and can't wait to attend each week. Anyone who loves being creative will Betfred Live Casinolove this school. Big thanks to a great supportive team.


What great teachers! I have only been going to classes for 1 year & have already learned so much. Initially I was overwhelmed but can now relax & enjoy the process. This is from a person who did not draw or paint when I started!


This art school loves art and is passionate about fostering love of art in their students. The teachers are skilled and caring and bring out the gold in each individual student.


Love my weekly art class. The teachers are fabulous and I always walk away feeling great about what I’ve created...


I just attended Jess' full day workshop in acrylic painting. Fantastic tuition, great atmosphere and a fun day! I learned so much!Highly recommended AA+++


Seriously skilled artists are nurtured at this art school. We get compliments all the time on account of our two daughters art. I reply, agreeing they betfred sports betting appare great, but that it’s their amazing teachers who can literally make any person a great artist.


It’s my happy place. The teachers are so amazing and supportive. It’s the highlight of my week!
